Monday, September 27, 2010

And as if by Magic...

Once object permanence set in Oscar was all about everything being either right in front of him, or "allgone."  By way of teasing him, G and I began using the phrase "Poof!  Disparu!" whenever we whisked anything out of his sight.  Notice our pretentious use of a foreign phrase.  We were hoping Oscar would pick it up and amaze all the parents at church.  Didn't happen.  But he was certainly delighted by our little game.

At breakfast on the morning our son turned seventeen months old, I studied him for a few minutes.  I observed to G that Oscar is looking older, like a little boy, not at all babyish anymore.  G agreed, and asked our little toddler in a mournful voice, "What happened to Baby Oscar?"  Without missing a beat, Oscar replied non-chalantly, "Poof!"

The young wizard working his magic on Baby Oscar:

Now you see him... you don't.

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